
Financial Goals on One Page with Target-Maps

Have you ever run into this situation: a client asks if you can help them quickly determine if they can reach a new goal in light of their other financial commitments?

Target-Maps address common questions to quickly get everyone on the same page, and engaging clients on an even deeper level.

Quickly answer how close they are to funding their goal and how to resolve any capital shortfalls.

Build Plans in 30 Seconds

When you’re meeting with a client,

Target-Maps should be used to run an analysis of specific situations to see how well-funded a client would be for both planned and unplanned scenarios.

Because we’ve built customizable templates, an entire set of Target-Maps can be run in seconds, then modified. Personalized templates can now be created by users as well.

Interaction vs. Presentation

In an age of digital enablement, many professional advisors are finding that details are missing or changing constantly. Presentations are out of date as soon as they are published. So professionals are using Target-Maps live with clients to model their funding levels.

Greater ownership through participation is driving better outcomes. Target-Maps are great for showing a high-level view of how funded someone is towards their goals. Yet sometimes people need to see the details on a year-by-year basis. Target-Map Cash Flows can be revealed and printed to illustrate what capital shortfalls mean at different times of life.


What Professionals Are Saying

“Target-Maps is my favorite feature and really gives an in-depth, robust evaluation of where a client is in relation to their goals.”

— Matt P.

“We collaborate and adjust the Target-Maps until we have agreement on which strategies they want to implement immediately.”

— Eric B.

“I just used Target-Maps for the first time with an existing client. It was awesome! He’s a dentist and kept thanking me profusely: “This is exactly what I needed!.””

— Joe G.

Want to see how you can quickly build financial plans for your clients?