Upcoming Live Webinar: Using Life Events & Healthcare Planning To Create Meaningful Client Engagement

Join Asset Map & Caribou to learn how advisors can effectively engage with clients and prospects by creating meaningful touch points life events.

Alison Susko, VP of Community at Asset-Map, and Christine Simone, CEO of Caribou, will share common client scenarios that often require a deeper analysis (especially when they’re healthcare-related) and can be leveraged to create truly comprehensive financial plans.

By the end of the webinar, you'll have an understanding of:

  • The common life events and Asset-Map Signals you can use to engage with clients, discuss healthcare coverage and costs, and create more comprehensive plans

  • Proactive ways to effectively communicate with clients about key life events

  • Why healthcare is a critical component to a complete map of a client's overall financial picture

  • How to use Asset Map and Caribou to go deep into all areas of clients’ lives in order to create a competitive, comprehensive financial planning offering.

Sue BaeWebinar, Upcoming